the year is [[2040]]after seeing (and making) a seemingly limitless number of social media posts lamenting the way distance prevents everyone from kissing their internet friends, a very talented and important [[scientist]] has created a new discovery: the ability to teleport people to each other!
[[wow this is so cool!|cool]]she has invented many things and she plays <<print either("guitar", "bass", "drums", "synth", "theremin")>> in a <<print either("cybergrind", "5th wave emo", "hyperska", "folk punk")>> band :o
[[so talented!|2040]]now you get to visit your friends using this wondrous technology <<print either(":3", ":)", ":o", ":D", "UwU", "OwO", "<3")>>
[[teleport time yay!|girlmutual]]
<<set $action to either("lying", "sitting", "standing")>>
<<set $location to either("next to", "across the room from", "in a patch of moss beside", "under a silver maple tree with", "in an abandoned glass factory with", "at the bottom of a dusty stairwell with", "in a shallow puddle next to", "on a rocky beach with")>>
<<set $girltype to either("scary", "cute", "strange", "silly", "sickly", "neurodivergent", "pretty", "friendly", "tired", "quiet")>>
<<set $trait1 to either("slimy", "fluffy", "bioluminescent", "translucent", "strong", "metallic", "delicate", "squishy", "sticky", "iridescent")>>
<<set $feature1 to either("mesoglea", "eyes", "hair", "hands", "arms", "legs", "antennae", "bracts", "wings", "tears")>>
<<set $trait2 to either("smooth", "soft", "phosphorescent", "cold", "sparkly", "reflective", "shiny", "warm", "beautiful", "captivating")>>
<<set $feature2 to either("face", "mouth", "carapace", "shell", "neck", "pneumatophore", "nose", "larynx", "tail", "abdomen")>>
<<set $trait3 to either("tiny", "huge", "checkered", "striped", "shiny", "worn-out", "clear plastic", "tartan", "flannel", "floral")>>
<<set $clothes to either("skirt", "sweater", "necklace", "bracelet", "cloche", "dress", "coat", "cape", "camisole", "bobble hat")>>
<<set $number to 1>>you are <<print $action>> <<print $location>> a <<print $girltype>> girl. she has <<print $trait1>> <<print $feature1>> and a <<print $trait2>> <<print $feature2>>, and she is wearing a <<print $trait3>> <<print $clothes>>.
what will you do?????
<<print either("[[listen]]", "[[listen|infodumping]]", "[[listen|pasthome]]")>>
[[hold hands|hands]]
<<print either("[[kiss]]", "[[kiss|kiss2]]", "[[kiss|kiss3]]")>>
[[say goodbye|goodbye]]
[[go home|home]]you tell her about <<print either("a cool bug you saw", "your favorite recipe", "a rare annelid you want to study", "a time when you were in a short-lived free jazz band", "a cultivar of lettuce that you stumbled upon while trying to make sense of the symbolism in a video game you like", "a language that you are learning how to speak", "your favorite piece of interactive fiction", "the first song you ever wanted to learn how to play", "your fading memories of existing in a distant, safer place")>>
[[it was a good conversation|girlmutual]]you give her a hug
she is soooooo <<print either("soft and squishy", "warm", "fluffy", "gentle", "soft")>> <<print either(":3", ":)", ":o", ":D", "UwU", "OwO", "<3")>>
[[that was nice|girlmutual]]her <<print either("right", "left")>> hand grasps yours. after a while you can feel her <<print either("weak", "rough", "long", "clawed", "rubbery", "hollow", "vermiform", "feathery", "tentacle-like", "rusted", "delicate", "sticky")>> fingers squeeze your hand ever so slightly harder as she becomes more comfortable with physical contact.
she <<print either("hums a pleasant song", "makes a quiet squeaking noise", "starts swaying her arm back and forth", "smiles in a way no one else has ever seen from her before")>> <<print either(":3", ":)", ":o", ":D", "UwU", "OwO", "<3")>>
[[what a lovely experience|girlmutual]]as she leans forward to kiss you, her passive magical aura transforms you into a new and mysterious type of <<print either("small woodland animal", "catgirl", "ctenophore", "cryptid", "bug", "computer", "moss", "amanita")>> <<print either(":3", ":)", ":o", ":D", "UwU", "OwO", "<3")>>
[[wow that's awesome!|girlmutual]]someone else is here.
[[i wonder who it could be :o|girlmutual]]
<<set $action to either("lying", "sitting", "standing")>>
<<set $location to either("next to", "across the room from", "in a patch of moss beside", "under a silver maple tree with", "in an abandoned glass factory with", "at the bottom of a dusty stairwell with", "in a shallow puddle next to", "on a rocky beach with")>>
<<set $girltype to either("scary", "cute", "strange", "silly", "sickly", "neurodivergent", "pretty", "friendly", "tired", "quiet")>>
<<set $trait1 to either("slimy", "fluffy", "bioluminescent", "translucent", "strong", "metallic", "delicate", "squishy", "sticky", "iridescent")>>
<<set $feature1 to either("mesoglea", "eyes", "hair", "hands", "arms", "legs", "antennae", "bracts", "wings", "tears")>>
<<set $trait2 to either("smooth", "soft", "phosphorescent", "cold", "sparkly", "reflective", "shiny", "warm", "beautiful", "captivating")>>
<<set $feature2 to either("face", "mouth", "carapace", "shell", "neck", "pneumatophore", "nose", "larynx", "tail", "abdomen")>>
<<set $trait3 to either("tiny", "huge", "checkered", "striped", "shiny", "worn-out", "clear plastic", "tartan", "flannel", "floral")>>
<<set $clothes to either("skirt", "sweater", "necklace", "bracelet", "cloche", "dress", "coat", "cape", "camisole", "bobble hat")>>
<<set $number to $number + 1>>she tells you about a <<print either("first-person rpg", "webcomic", "music project", "painting", "collection of vst synthesizer patches", "small game engine")>> that she is working on with her <<print either("roommate", "headmate", "girlfriend", "friend", "sister", "social media mutual")>>
you can tell that she has put a lot of love and care into the project <<print either(":3", ":)", ":o", ":D", "UwU", "OwO", "<3")>>
[[she thanks you for listening to her|girlmutual]]she spends <<print random(20, 59)>> minutes infodumping to you about <<print either("a rare jrpg from before either of you were born", "a special kind of snail that lives near her home", "noise music production", "pharmacokinetics of different medications used for hrt", "siphonophores", "the history of shoujo anime", "speedrun routing", "glitch art techniques", "a cute browser game she made", "video game design philosophy", "precision platformer modding")>> <<print either(":3", ":)", ":o", ":D", "UwU", "OwO", "<3")>>
<<print either("it is a very interesting discussion", "you realize that you're falling in love with her", "you try to come up with questions to ask so she can keep talking about it longer", "you decide you want to learn more about the topic", "she was clearly waiting a long time to get the chance to tell someone about this", "the excitement in her voice is so lovely to hear")>>
[[that was fun!|girlmutual]]she tells you about a time when she lived in a <<print either("sprawling metropolis", "secluded cabin in the middle of a dense forest", "decayed ex-farmhouse", "secret laboratory", "friend's apartment", "town where even the air felt haunted")>>
more than any specific events that took place there, she is particularly focused on how it was <<print either("the first place that ever felt like home to her", "someplace she never wants to return to", "like something out of one of those pleasant dreams that nonetheless makes you feel sick when you wake up", "alive in a very conscious way, desperate to understand the concept of pain", "something that would have been better if it was just in her imagination")>>
[[the story reminds you of your own past but you can't quite place why|girlmutual]]you want to go on an adventure together?
[[[perhaps not|girlmutual]]as your lips meet hers, you feel as though time is slowing down; you can count every nervous heartbeat, you can see movements that are usually just blurs to you, seconds feel elongated and a minute may as well be enternity. the space between the two of you and the outside world stretches, creating a bubble in which both of you can witness only each other in this moment.
[[waow|girlmutual]]you kiss her while gently brushing your hand over her <<print either("mesoglea", "hair", "arms", "legs", "antennae", "bracts", "wings", "face", "carapace", "pneumatophore", "larynx")>>
in this moment she feels so calm
[[aww <3|girlmutual]]are you sure? it might be a scary and challenging kind of adventure!
[[i am sure!!!!!!!!|adventure3]]
[[i'm scared :(|girlmutual]]alright then time to go on an adventure <<print either(":3", ":)", ":o", ":D", "UwU", "OwO", "<3")>>
[[yay!!!!!!|outset]]time to go home <<print either(":3", ":)", ":o", ":D", "UwU", "OwO", "<3")>>
girls met: <<print $number>>