TRANSMISSIONS 1 was my first proper release. it came together fairly quickly during downtime on other projects, and consists of music i wrote from 2013-2017 dramatically rearranged in styles closer to a simplified form of my current work.

TRANSMISSION_20240318(escape) was the first track i made for the ep, and was derived from a fairly heavy guitar/piano-centric rock song. i don't exactly remember where i got the idea to reinvent it as a fluffy trap/witch house track but i think it turned out well, especially in the chorus-like section.

CYCLE DECAY was an interesting challenge to arrange, as it starts out very dense and gradually loses layers until it's just piano arpeggios. the downward whooshing-sounding synth in the beginning is the same clean, delay-heavy patch i used in a lot of other places on the ep run through a formant shifter controlled on a sawtooth pattern. an interesting effect i had heard in a few places before and sort of luckily stumbled upon how to replicate.

TRANSMISSION_06(rain) is, in some ways, a reverse of the rest of the ep; where most of the other tracks are much gentler and more melodic than the songs that they originated from, TRANSMISSION_06(rain) was derived from a gentle piano-and-flute interlude (eventually released on memento as rain 2017).

RECIRCULATION is a bit strange to explain. the short description is that every section of it is based on the same melody, run through different styles and arrangements (with rhythms and harmonies warped to suit each new context). meow!

blue 1 and yellow 5 is the longest track i've released to date (though that's not a particularly high bar and will change when my impending album is out). the narration is based on blue 1 and yellow 5. this is also the only track on the ep that is not connected to an adjacent track through background field-recording noise.